Births, deaths & Marriages.

This is Alexis Soyer’s Naissance Acte that was issued in Meaux, France recording his birth at 10 pm on Sunday 4th, February 1810

Birth, Deaths and Marriages.

Naissances, Des Morts et Mariages

In a small town 40 km from Paris, with a population of 6,573 in 1810. The small town is called Meaux now famous for Brie de Meaux and Meaux Mustard. At 10 pm on Sunday 4th, February 1810 was born a boy to Emery Roch Alexis Soyer (born Monday 17th August 1778 in Chateau Thierry) and Marie Madeleine Francoise Chamberlan[d] (born on Wednesday 7th January 1778 in Conde Saint Libiare) who was named Alexis Benoist Soyer.

Emery Soyer whose father was Philippe Emery Soyer (born in 1734 in Conde St Libiare) and his mother was Marie Elisabeth Savart. Emery Soyer married Marie Chamberland on Tuesday 25th July 1797 in Conde St Libiare. Marie Chamberland parents were Jean Baptiste Chamberland (born Monday 27th Sep 1742 in Tigeaux, Île-de-France, and died Thursday 13th Jan 1814 in Conde Saint Libiare). And her mother was Marie Francois Dubois (born in Conde Saint Libiare, on Wednesday 27th Apr 1748 – They married in Conde Saint Libiare Saturday 25th Jan 1772). On Alexis Soyer’s maternal line research has been carried out to his Great, Great Grandparents Jean Pierre Caillot (born 1693 in Conde Saint Libiare) and Marie Jeanne Viesx (born 1699 also in Conde Saint Libiare).

Emery Soyer and Marie Chamberland had five children all boys, the first was Philippe Nicolas Alexis Soyer (born in Meaux on Friday 22nd Mar 1799) much more about Philippe Soyer later. The second son was Louis Denis Soyer (born in Meaux on Saturday 7th May 1801) The third son was Paul Alexis Soyer (born in Meaux on Tuesday 22 Nov 1803, unfortunately, Paul only lived until he was 3 years old. He died in Meaux on Saturday 23 May 1807). The fourth son was Rene Alexandre Soyer (born in Meaux on Saturday 6th Oct 1804, again, unfortunately, Rene only lived for 8 days and died in Meaux on Friday 14th October 1804). And of course, the fifth son was Alexis Benoist Soyer (born in Meaux on Sunday 4th February 1810).

The three surviving boys all wanted to survive over the age of 50, they all feared they would die of consumption. Two of the boys did not make it to 50. Philippe died at the age of 40, and Alexis died at the age of 48.  Although I did find Louis living in London in the 6th June 1841 Census. He died in Paris 17th May 1844.

An important point needs to be made here. In several biographies of Alexis, the authors claimed that Alexis was in Meaux’s Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Meaux) choral choir whilst getting ready to enter the church, all of this is fiction for several reasons. In France, you had to pay the church for your son to be in the choir and for him to enter the seminary for training. There was no way Emery and Marie could afford to do that, although for several years they had a little grocery shop in Rue de Tan in downtown Meaux by the time Alexis was born, Emery had lost his Grocery business and was now a canal labourer and the family was living in rue Cornillion, an even rougher area in Meaux. The second reason was the cathédral was Roman Catholic and the Soyers were Huguenots (French protestants). And the final reason is Alexis’ father died in Conde Saint Libiare on Thursday 20th August 1818 (making him 40 years of age). Alexis was only 8 years old.

Marie Chamberland (Alexis’ mother) soon remarried, she married Pierre Nicolas Joseph Travet (Born in Voulangis, Seine-et-Marne on Tuesday 9 May 1769). They married in Crecy-en-brie on Tuesday 22 Jun 1819. Pierre was a farmer, Emma Soyer painted a portrait of her mother-in-law and called it ‘A Farmer’s Wife’. Pierre died in Crecy in his house Sous-Hies at 4 pm on Friday 19 May 1843. Marie attended the reporting of her husband’s death So to did Louis Denis Soyer, Marie’s second son and Alexis’brother. Louis was trading as a cabinet maker. However, the writing on the Acte had blurred so I could not make out where Louis was living, Marie was 64 when Pierre died. She herself went to live with her son Louis in Paris and died 29th June 1845. The only one of her children alive when she died was Alexis Benoist Soyer.

By the time Alexis was 20 he had established himself in Paris, he had even obtained the nickname of ‘enfant terrible’. At this age, life was looking good for him. He had a girlfriend called Adelaide Angelique Lamain she was from Fontainebleau, she was born Sunday 27th Apr 1806. However, when she was 24 she gave birth to Alexis’ son who was named Jean Alexis Lamain, (The Jean came from her father Jean Baptiste Lubin Lamain). Jean Alexis Lamain (later to be called Soyer) was born in Paris on  Wednesday 2nd Jun 1830. Jean married Celina Augustine Angelina Moreaux (who was born in Beaumont-sur-oise on Wednesday 23th Nov 1842) They married in Beaumont-sur-oise on Saturday 5th May 1866.

Later, besides dropping the Lamain surname, he also dropped the first name, becoming himself ‘Alexis Soyer’, however, Jean and Celina had 5 Children, the first was a son  called Alphonse Prosper Victor Soyer (Born in Beaumont-sur-oise on Monday 14th Jan 1867). The second child was a son called  Edmund Victor Soyer (born in Celles on Saturday 1st Feb 1868) The third child was a son called Eugene Alexis Soyer (born in Beaumont-sur-oise on Tuesday 7th Jun 1870 – unfortunately  Eugene on lived for 7 months he died on Sunday 29th Jan 1871). The fourth child was a daughter called Adele Camille Soyer (born in Montmorency on Monday 7th September 1874). The fifth and final child was a son called Paul Alexis Soyer (born in Montmorency on Thursday 16th December 1880).

Alphonse Prosper Victor Soyer married Lucienne Vasseur (born in Amiens, Somme on Wednesday 25th Dec 1872). Alphonse and Lucienne married in Mours (Val-d’Oise) on Saturday 25th August 1900. Alphonse and Lucienne had two children. The first was a girl Gemane Soyer born in Beaumont-sur-oise in 1901. The second child was a boy called Maurice Soyer, he was also born in Beaumont-sur-oise in 1903. Unfortunately, the French Actes online for Beaumont-sur-oise only went up to 1905. Germane and Maurice were Alexis Soyer’s Great, Grandchildren.

Edmund Victor Soyer married Maria Alexandrine Jaillander (born in Haute Saone, France on Sunday 4th Nov 1866). They married in Montmorency, France on Saturday 28th January 1899, they had one child a son named Maurice Edward Soyer born in Montmorency, France on Sunday 31st December 1899, (the last day of the century). Unfortunately, the French Actes online for Montmorency ended in 1900. I expect Edmund and Maria had more children, however, Maurice was Alexis Soyer Great Grandson.

Adele Camille Soyer married to Lucien Francois Desire Gillet who was born Sunday 21st November 1870. Adele and Lucien were married in Montmorency, France on Saturday 5th May 1894, they had two children, the first a boy whose name was Lucien Alphonse Gillet born in Montmorency on Monday 21st December 1896. The second child was a girl whose name was Marcelle Louise Gillet born in Montmorency on Tuesday 10th November 1896 Marcelle Louise Gillet married John Clement Lchuraur in Montmorency on Tuesday 4th Feb 1920. She died in Montmorency on Thursday 26th Oct 1978. Aged 81.

Alexis Soyer married Elizabeth Emma Jones (who was born in London on Monday 5th September 1813), and her parents were Richard Jones and Elizabeth Newton -besides Emma they had a son called Newton Jones, I cannot find when Richard Jones died. However, Elizabeth Jones (She actually called herself Elizabeth Newton) married Francois Simonau on Monday 23rd October 1820. Francois was born in Bonniem, Antwerp Belgium on Monday 26th May 1783. He died in London on Saturday 26, Nov 1859, whilst his wife died in London in 1839. Elizabeth Jones/Newton was Alexis Soyer mother in law, whilst Francois Simonau was his step-father in law. Elizabeth or as she preferred to be called Emma Soyer died in London on Monday 29th August 1842. There are two interesting points to mention about Alexis’ marriage on Saturday 8th April 1837, it was 5 days after the death of Adelaide Angelique Lamain (Monday 3rd April 1837 in Paris, France) also on the same day of his marriage, Lord Marcus Hill (Later Baron Sandys) married Louisa Blake. Lord Marcus Hill, the son of the Marquess of Downshire and related to the Duke of Wellington. He was once Wellington’s aide de camp. He was also chairman of the Reform Club’s committee while Alexis was working at the Reform Club.

Alexis Soyer died on Thursday at 9.40 pm  5th August 1858 at 15 Marlborough Street, London he died of melaena and serious apoplexy combined with the after-effects of Crimea Fever. Today a melaena would be described as a ‘stomach peptic ulcer,’ serious apoplexy was often used to describe any sudden rapid fatal disease; normally today it would be described as a stroke or haemorrhaging.  His death was reported by Sarah Sales, a servant that could not write and described his occupation as ‘Formerly a cook’ Sarah claimed she was present at the time of his death. Yet in ‘Memoirs of Alexis Soyer’ by F Volant & J R Warren they claimed he was surrounded by friends and that Charles Pierce was present at his death -so why did none of these friends report his death?

Philippe Nicolas Alexis Soyer.

Alexis Soyer’s elder brother Philippe Nicolas Alexis Soyer after being a head chef in Paris started working for Adolphus Frederick Guelph, Prince of Hanover, who was the youngest son of King George III, who became the first Duke of Cambridge. There were great problems researching Philippe, quite a lot of the information came from his will and censuses. He had five children I could only track three, neither do I know the sex of the other two and their names, hopefully, someone reading this can help.

Philippe married an Elizabeth Williams (born in 1805 I am not sure where). I do not have a date for the marriage or where it was held, I assume Hanover Germany, as for some of the births of the children, the children I know are Philip Joseph Nicolas Soyer christen in Hanover, Germany on Friday 3rd Dec 1830. The next child was Alexis Louis Soyer born in Hanover approximately 1835. The third child was Elizabeth Augusta Soyer again born in Hanover approximately 1835. Philippe Nicolas Alexis Soyer died at Crecy-en-brie France actually at his step-father’s house he died on Wednesday 27 Mar 1839

Philip Joseph Nicolas Soyer worked with his uncle when he was younger at The Reform Club, however after his uncle left, he moved to Denmark and as famous as his uncle Alexis Soyer was famous in England he was as famous in Denmark. He became the head chef for King Christian IV of Denmark

Philip Joseph Nicolas Soyer married Karen Marie Albrechsten (born Vejle, Jutland, Denmark on Thursday 20 Sep 1832) They married in København, [Copenhagan] Denmark, on Tuesday 18th May 1862. They have three daughters, the first was Charlotte Catherine Maria Louise Soyer born 1863 in Copenhagen. The second daughter was Elizabeth Augusta Soyer born in Copenhagen on Monday 9th Oct 1865. The third daughter Maria Amaline Albertine Soyer born in Arhus, Denmark on Wednesday 28 Oct 1869. Charlotte Catherine Maria Louise Soyer married Neils Christian Andreas Knudstrup in Copenhagen, Denmark on Saturday 7th November 1891. I am not too sure if they had any children. Elizabeth Augusta Frederika Soyer married Hans Christian Beck (born in Haderslev, Denmark on Friday 31st May 1861- Beck had previously been married to Astrid Dorothea Regitze Petersen, who he had married in Copenhagen in 1886). Beck married Elizabeth in 1895 and with Elizabeth had one son Svend Beck. Elizabeth died in 1946, Hans Cristian Beck died Friday 9th June 1952 in Copenhagen. Hans Beck was one of Denmark’s most famous sons, he was a world-renown Ballet Dancer and Teacher, teaching at the Danish Royal Ballet for 19 Years.

Maria Amaline Albertine Soyer married Valdermar Christian Lincke (Born in Copenhagen on Wednesday 14 April 1869). They had three children, the first a girl born on Thursday 14th May 1896, the second a girl also was called Gunna Lincke, who was born on Monday 24th July 1899. The third child was a boy called Kjeld Soyer Lincke who was born in Copenhagen on Saturday 1st March 1901. Valdermar and Maria are found listed on the S.S Hellig Olav on the Friday 13th May 1927 sailing to New York and then on to Canada. Their trip is being guaranteed by Valdermar’s brother Paul Lincke. Kjeld must have gone at the same time as he is found sailing from Saint John, New Brunswick Canada on the Duchess of York in 1839 sailing to Copenhagen via Liverpool. His occupation as a Lumber inspector, his father’s occupation was listed as an artist in fact he was a well-known Opera singer and Maria had a reputation as a violinist and more than likely had been touring America and Canada.

Philippe’s next child was Alexis Louis Soyer who married Mary Augustus Hornett (Born in Datchworth, Middlesex in 1835) in Lewisham 1863. (Alexis and his wife Mary spent almost 40 years working for Morden College, Blackheath, Kent). They had five children. The first a boy, Alexis Philip Soyer born in Bermondsey, London on Monday 13Th April 1863. The second child was another boy William Alfred Soyer, born in Lewisham in 1866. The next child was a girl Mary Augusta Soyer born in Lewisham, in 1871. The fourth child was a girl Alice Elizabeth Soyer born in Blackheath, Kent in 1872. The last child was also a girl Charlotte Louise Soyer was born in Woolwich, London in 1875. Alexis Philip Soyer married Joanna Hannah Adolph Vetter in Cook County, Illinois, America on Wednesday 26 Jul 1893. I could not find any children for this couple.    They have appeared in many ships lists and American population census. Alexis became naturalised on Monday 3rd November 1902. On a Los Angeles voter’s list of registered voters in 1924, Alexis is listed but not his wife. Alexis Philip Soyer died in Chicago on Sunday 25th May 1924

William Alfred Soyer married a Frances Sarah Catchpole (born in Eastbourne in 1877) in Basingstoke on 1897. They had two children. They had two children, the first a girl Nesta Frances Soyer born in Catford during 1900. Sher married 1943 in Tonbridge, Kent to Alfred M Sayers. The second child was a son called Philip Alexis Soyer, born in Lewisham in 1902.

The next child is a girl Mary Augusta Soyer born in Blackheath, Kent in 1871. The only thing I could find about Mary was that in 1911 census she is a single woman aged 38 and is a hospital nurse. The next child is Alice Elizabeth Soyer born in Blackheath, Kent during 1871. On Wednesday 2nd December 1903, she married an Augustus Shand, born in 1874 and died in 1836. They had one son Augustus Maurice Shand born in Blackheath, Kent in 1904 in Woolwich, sadly in 1905, Alice Soyer died. Philippe’s final child a girl was named Elizabeth Caroline Augusta Soyer, born in Hanover circa 1835. She married George Otto Clausen. I could not find when they were married. They had a child together, Ella Clausen who was born in London during 1855. However, sadly she died on Monday 25th July 1859.

As he was married to Alexis’ mother in law, I thought I better include:

François Simonau.

François Simonau was born in  Bonniem, Antwerp Belgium on Monday 26 May 1783. He married Elizabeth Newton (who had been previously married to Richard Jones . Richard died 1819 and she died in London 1839 ). They married at St Mary’s church Lambeth, London on Monday 23rd Oct 1820. The two witnesses attending were her son Newton Jones (who later married an Elizabeth Clarke in Barnet Church on Thursday 7th October 1830) and her daughter Emma Jones. Francois and Elizabeth Newton/Jones had no children, Francois had a brother called Pierre [Francois] Simonau who had married a Mary Newman, they had one child Gustave Adolphe Simonau who was born in Bruges, Belgium on Saturday 10th June 1820. Gustave was later made a Chevalier, equivalent to our knighthood. Gustave married a Mary Toovey (Mary was the daughter of his Partner Simonau & Toovey)  and they had two children the first Elise Isabelle Simonau (born Bruge, Brussels on Wednesday 10th  Aug 1853) The second child. a son was called Alfred Raphael Simonau. Born in Brussels, Belgium during 1860. He married a woman with the first names Louise Eugenie in 1883). Elise Isabelle Simonau married a Philip Watts (born in Southsea on Saturday 30th May 1846),  in Greenwich on Saturday 23rd Oct 1875. Philip was later knighted and they became Sir Philip and Lady Watts. (she is the Lady Watts buried with Emma and Alexis under Faith the Memorial) They had two children, the first a daughter named Agnes Henriette Watts who was born in Wandsworth, London in 1876. The second child was Louise Ann Watts who was born in Wandsworth in 1879.  Agnes Henriette Watts married Arthur Napier Penton Thorowgood D.S.O, R.N (her cousin). He was born in Madras India in 1884. He died in 1961. They had 4 children (that I know of) The first child is a boy called Philip Watt Napier Thorowgood born in 1908 – who died in  1952. The second child is a daughter Ruth Thorowgood born in 1910. The third child is a daughter Mary Thorowgood. The fourth child is a son named Thomas Philip Napier Thorowgood born in Bromley on Monday 11 Sep 1911. The second child a daughter called Ruth married Antony Gathome Hardy (who was born Saturday 13th July 1907 and died in 1976) They had a son named after his father, Antony Gathome Hardy born 1931. The third child. Mary, I have no information at all about her. The last child Philip born in Bromley on Monday 11 September 1911 and died in 1971.

Philip Watts and Elise’s last-child Louise married one, Freeman Blackett Thornton Trevelyn (born 1874 and died 1943)  married in 1898 and had two children. Dora Trevelyn born 1900 and  Lilian Agnes Thornton Trevelyn in 1901. In 1921 the family moved to Yokohama, Japan.

The reason why I have designed this post as I have because with my first webpage several people would ask if they were related to Alexis Soyer, which took up a lot of time to answer their questions. This way, I thought they might have fun researching for themselves. There is a law that any person’s information can only be opened in archives after 100 years. This applies to most countries. hence why a lot of the information cuts off circa 1910. One of the most difficult tasks was reading the old french actes, where the black ink had faded. However, I have to thank Valerie Sohier for telling me about the actes being online. I also have to thank Tenna Doktor Olsen Tvedebrink for introducing me to Philip Joseph Nicolas Soyer.


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